All Results for Tom Roberts, Author at Flower Fairies - Page 7 of 8

The Strawberry Fairy

A flower for S!
Is Sunflower he?
He’s handsome, yes,
But what of me?—

In my party suit
Of red and white,
And a gift of fruit
For the feast tonight:

Strawberries small
And wild and sweet,
For the Queen and all
Of her Court to eat!

The Thrift Fairy

Now will we tell of splendid things:
Seagulls, that sail on fearless wings
Where great cliffs tower, grand and high
Against the blue, blue summer sky.
Where none but birds (and sprites) can go.
Oh there the rosy sea-pinks grow,
(Sea-pinks, whose other name is Thrift);

They fill each crevice, chink, and rift
Where no one climbs; and at the top,
Too near the edge for sheep to crop,
Thick in the grass pink patches show.
The sea lies sparkling far below.
Oh lucky Thrift, to live so free
Between blue sky and bluer sea!

The Vetch Fairy

Poor little U
Has nothing to do!
He hasn’t a flower: not one.
For U is Unlucky, I’m sorry to tell;
U stands for Unfortunate, Ugly as well;
No single sweet flowery name will it spell—
Is there nothing at all to be done?

“Don’t fret, little neighbour,”
says kind fairy V,
“You’re welcome to share
all my flowers with me—
Come, play with them, laugh, and have fun.
I’ve Vetches in plenty for me and for you,
Verbena, Valerian, Violets too:
Don’t cry then, because you have none.”

The Wallflower Fairy

Wallflower, Wallflower, up on the wall,
Who sowed your seed there?
“No one at all:
Long, long ago it was blown by the breeze
To the crannies of walls
where I live as I please.

“Garden walls, castle walls, mossy and old,
These are my dwellings;
from these I behold
The changes of years;
yet, each spring that goes by,
Unchanged in my sweet-smelling
velvet am I!”

The Yellow Deadnettle Fairy

You saucy X! You love to vex
Your next-door neighbour Y:
And just because no flower is yours,
You tease him on the sly.
Straight, yellow, tall,—of Nettles all,
The handsomest is his;
He thinks no ill, and wonders still
What all your mischief is.
Yet have a care! Bad imp, beware
His upraised hand and arm:
Though stingless, he comes leaping—see!—
To save his flower from harm.

The Zinnia Fairy

Z for Zinnias, pink or red;
See them in the flower-bed,
Copper, orange, all aglow,
Making such a stately show.

I, their fairy, say Good-bye,
For the last of all am I.
Now the Alphabet is said
All the way from A to Z.


Japan (Novelty)
Dai Nippon Kaija
7 Kanda Nishikich 1chome,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054

Japan (Classic)
Graphic Sha
1-14-17 Kudankita,
Chiyodaku Tokyo, 102-0073


Penguin China
B-7 Jiaming Center
27 East Third Ring Road North
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100020


Penguin Random House Canada
90 Eglinton Avenue East
Suite 700

Toronto Ontario
M4P 2Y3 Canada


Penguin Books Australia
707 Collins Street,
Victoria 3008

Flower Fairies Personal Name Seals

Skillman, a Japanese partner, have created  range of Flower Fairies items for personal name seals (in Japanese, ‘inkan’), including the seals, seal cases, and stamping mats.

The name seal not only has a Flower Fairies design on the side, but also includes a flower within the stamp design itself.  Every time you stamp your name with this seal, it is sure to brighten your spirits!  The seal case and the stamping mat are also personalised, so you can create your very own name seal set.


Flower Fairies of Winter

Flower Fairies of Summer

Flower Fairies of Autumn



Floral Bouquet

Spring Fairy



Fuchsia Fairy

Autumn Berries

Dance like the Flower Fairies

Learn to dance just like the Flower Fairies with this magical DVD.

View the trailer on YouTube:

Flower Fairies of Spring Paper

49 and Market, a paper goods wholesaler specializing in high-quality products to fit the needs and wants of today’s crafters, have created a beautiful range of papers using designs, patterns and fairies from Flower Fairies of the Spring.

These are available in the US and Canada, and you can see the full set on their website at

Japanese Art Book

Classic art depicting beautiful dancing fairies reminiscent of the England of yesteryear and additional colouring pages make up a wonderful new Flower Fairies Art Book out now from the publisher Impress in Japan.

Enjoy studying the intricately detailed original art of each of the Flower Fairies, then turn to the colouring pages to colour to your heart’s content and enter your very own Flower Fairies world. Included at the back are special postcards that are only available with this book.
Why not treat yourself?

Find out more, and order, from

Impress Japanses Art Book

Peaceful Wooden Puzzles

Peaceful Wooden Puzzles have created a set of 24 Flower Fairies puzzles for their Alphabet series.

Each Victorian-style wooden jigsaw puzzles features 112 flower, fairy and garden shaped pieces, measures 6” x 8”, and comes in a beautiful tin.

View the full range at

The Michaelmas Daisy Fairy

“Red Admiral, Red Admiral,
I’m glad to see you here,
Alighting on my daisies one by one!
I hope you like their flavour
and although the Autumn’s near,
Are happy as you sit there in the sun?”

“I thank you very kindly, Sir!
Your daisies are so nice,
So pretty and so plentiful are they;
The flavour of their honey, Sir,
it really does entice;
I’d like to bring my brothers, if I may!”

“Friend butterfly, friend butterfly,
go fetch them one and all!
I’m waiting here to welcome every guest;
And tell them it is Michaelmas,
and soon the leaves will fall,
But I think Autumn sunshine is the best!”

Personalised Flower Fairies cards from

Flower Fairies licensee have launched a gorgeous new range of cards, all available via their website, which include new personalisable options including photos.

You can view the full range of their Flower Fairies cards on their website

Flower Fairies Festival

A Flower Fairies Festival is being held in Croydon in June this year, birthplace of Cicely Mary Barker, as part of the Croydon Heritage Festival.

Part of the Friends of Park Hill Park’s preparations included the re-dedication of the Cicely Mary Barker Garden within the park, including a memorial plaque featuring some of her timeless Flower Fairies illustrations.

The festival has had a wonderful response in the local press and social media, including activities such as natural trails, a Flower Fairy Walled Garden (using Flower Fairies illustrations to help children identify specific plants and flowers), a professional story telling session, and the launch of a creative illustration and writing competition for participating local schools.


Flower Fairies Prints & Canvases

King & McGaw’s new collection of vintage Flower Fairies prints and canvases are now available.

Chiming nicely with the fairy tale theme at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show, the beautiful vintage prints combine a fantasy world with real botanical accuracy. In the most faithful reproduction since they were originally published in 1923, this collection of the much-loved illustrations will instil a sense of magic and charm into your home.

Check out the full range online at